Use Case

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

    Kontron has supported Club S.O.N.I.A (Systeme d' Operation Nautique Intelligent et Autonome) from the Ecole de technologie superieure (a Technical University) in Montreal, Canada, in the development of autonomous underwater vehicle.  Now based on the Kontron ETX-CD computer-on-module paired with a PC/104 compatible carrier board from one of Kontron's Certified Design Partners, Club S.O.N.I.A. has been able to develop a sub with greater processing and decision-making capabilities as well as lower power consumption, reduces total solution weight, improved mobility, and more.  The newly designed sub is anticipated to perform even better than its JREX SBC predecessor that was ranked third world wide when competing in  the AUVSI and ONR's International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition. (Team S.O.N.I.A is the source of these images)

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